Saturday, 2 June 2012

Cells for kids!

The Nucleus: Which part of a cell controls its activities?
The Cell membrane: Which part of a cell controls what substances go in and out of the cell?
Chloroplasts: What does chlorophyll do?
False: True or false: cytoplasm is only found in animal cell?
Trap sunlight for photosynthesis: What does chlorophyll do?
Cell wall and vacuole: Which parts of a plant cell give support and structure to the cell?
The cytoplasm: Where do chemical reactions take place in a cell?
Palisade cell: Which cell has a large number of chloroplasts?
Nerve cell: Which cell is very long so that messages can be sent right round the body?
Root hair cell: Which cell has long finger-like projections with thin walls to help it absorb water?
A Tissue: What do we call a group of similar cells working together in the same way?
An organ: What do we call a group of tissues working together?

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